Timely Treatment, Awareness without Panic is the keys to fight this Pandemic - Dr. Ashoak Acharya
Bhubaneswar-07/05- As the entire country is suffering from the deadly virus of covid-19 DAV, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar organized an online webinar on covid care, its remedies and management recently on virtual mode. Joining as the Chief Guest of the occasion in this online webinar presided over by the Principal of the school Bipin Kumar Sahoo, Dr. Ashoak Acharya, Managing Director of Ayush Hospital and senior consultant surgeon urged for early detection, timely treatment, and awareness without panic as the keys to fight against this deadly virus of covid-19. Discussing elaborately on different mutants of the virus in the 2nd surge, Dr. Acharya counselled everybody that life will go on, we have to live with corona and have to go through it. He also gave importance on vaccination, wearing of mask, social distancing, physical exercise, Yoga, pranaym along with be happy and positive concept for a healthy life during this crucial time. Dr. Acharya also actively participated in the question answer session and clarified all the confusions of the participants present on the webinar. The free consultation app “Apna Dr. developed by Dr. Acharya was informed to the members present and it was informed to dial 9798883883 for any emergency consultation. The programmewas organised by the covid monitoring team of the school. The Principal appreciated the effort and extended his heartfelt thanks to Dr. Acharya for his coperation and friendly gesture.